Here you can find the current course programme. All cooking and baking courses take place in Charlottenburg, some selected seminars and tastings also take place in our Prenzlauer Berg branch.
If you are curious which cooking courses we normally offer on a regular basis, you will find a selection under wish list.
Course booking only here in this online shop. Most courses cost 90 euros.
Tip: If you want to give a course as a gift but don't want to commit to a date yet, buy a voucher instead of a firmly booked course ticket.
Water and wine are included in the course price. And - of course! - we not only cook, but also eat. 
Our booking system
In this shop you will find all the cookery courses that are currently available for booking, as well as a number of aids to help you keep up to date with fully booked and future courses.
If the desired date is already fully booked, you can put yourself on the waiting list. And, very practically, if you need four places, for example, but there are only three places left, you can put your name on a waiting list for "four places". You can find the waiting list on the description page of each course. The waiting list will be activated as soon as three places are still available. The probability that places will become available again is about 5-10% -- something can become available at very short notice, a few hours before the course starts!
If none of the offered dates fits, you can also order a notification as soon as the course takes place again in the future. This is what we call a "wish list". These courses may take place again in the next quarter, but for very special courses it may take longer. The more interest, the sooner a course will be repeated. You will always find these wish list courses at the very end, behind the courses with dates. You can easily recognise them by the orange heart:
Our luxurious filter function:
"I speak little German, would like to do a baking course. Which courses can you recommend to me?"
Nothing easier than that. You can use various filters to narrow down your choice when browsing courses, e.g. preferred location, language, category, time period. If you know a little German, we recommend clicking on the category "English-Friendly". The result would then look like this: Result for German-language baking courses that are explicitly also English-friendly.
Federicos Taquería

Federicos Taquería

von der Liebe zum wahren Taco

0,00 EUR
List of Wishes
Foto: Federico Carrasco
Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Mardi Gras in New Orleans

New Orleans Brunch

0,00 EUR
List of Wishes
Foto: Scott Eckersley on unplash
Schampus & Co.

Schampus & Co.

Schaumweinseminar und -tasting

0,00 EUR
List of Wishes
Das kleine Torten-Einmaleins: Festliche Torten selber dekorieren

Das kleine Torten-Einmaleins: Festliche Torten selber dekorieren

0,00 EUR
List of Wishes
Foto: Nicole Michniewski
Markus Binner, Martina Sturm, Roman Steger - Kohlparfait

Markus Binner, Martina Sturm, Roman Steger - Kohlparfait

0,50 EUR
1 piece in stock
Dr. Oetker - Tortenkunst

Dr. Oetker - Tortenkunst

5,00 EUR
1 piece in stock
Foto: Dr. Oetker - ein Verlag der Edel Verlagsgruppe
Renate Volk, Fridhelm Volk - Pilz in Sicht...

Renate Volk, Fridhelm Volk - Pilz in Sicht...

7,90 EUR
1 piece in stock
Foto: Verlag Eugen Ulmer
Eric Carle - Mein allererstes Buch vom Essen

Eric Carle - Mein allererstes Buch vom Essen

7,95 EUR
3 pieces in stock
Foto: Gerstenberg
Yusuke Yonezu - Was kann das sein - Essen?

Yusuke Yonezu - Was kann das sein - Essen?

7,95 EUR
3 pieces in stock
Foto: minedition AG
Valéry Drouet - Wok - Die besten Rezepte

Valéry Drouet - Wok - Die besten Rezepte

7,99 EUR
3 pieces in stock
Foto: Bassermann Verlag
Björn Wergen - Der Pilzberater für unterwegs

Björn Wergen - Der Pilzberater für unterwegs

9,90 EUR
1 piece in stock
Foto: Verlag Eugen Ulmer
Feste feiern mit Familie & Gästen

Feste feiern mit Familie & Gästen

9,95 EUR
1 piece in stock
Foto: AT Verlag
Ran an die Töpfe

Ran an die Töpfe

9,95 EUR
2 pieces in stock
Foto: Dorling Kindersley Verlag
Yusuke Yonezu - Was kann das sein - Früchte?

Yusuke Yonezu - Was kann das sein - Früchte?

9,95 EUR
2 pieces in stock
Foto: minedition AG
Heute back ich... Brot!!

Heute back ich... Brot!!

9,95 EUR
in stock
Foto: Dorling Kindersley Verlag
Harald Rüssel - Süßes aus der Landküche

Harald Rüssel - Süßes aus der Landküche

9,97 EUR
1 piece in stock
Foto: UMSCHAU Verlag
Achim Sam, Michael Hamm - Deutschlank Das Kochbuch

Achim Sam, Michael Hamm - Deutschlank Das Kochbuch

9,97 EUR
1 piece in stock
Foto: ZS Verlag
Susanne Hofmann - Käse vom Feinsten

Susanne Hofmann - Käse vom Feinsten

9,99 EUR
2 pieces in stock
Foto: BLV, ein Imprint von GRÄFE UND UNZER Verlag GmbH
Ali Maffucci - Inspiralisiert

Ali Maffucci - Inspiralisiert

9,99 EUR
1 piece in stock
Foto: Riva Verlag
Peter Fischer - Schlaraffenland nimms in die Hand

Peter Fischer - Schlaraffenland nimms in die Hand

10,90 EUR
3 pieces in stock
Foto: Verlag Klaus Wagenbach
Nina Chakrabarti - Hallo Pilze

Nina Chakrabarti - Hallo Pilze

10,90 EUR
2 pieces in stock
Foto: Laurence King Verlag
Karma Brown - Todsichere Rezepte für die moderne Hausfrau

Karma Brown - Todsichere Rezepte für die moderne Hausfrau

11,00 EUR
3 pieces in stock
Foto: Penguin Verlag
Tobias Krejtschi - MONSTERMAMPF

Tobias Krejtschi - MONSTERMAMPF

11,95 EUR
in stock
Foto: Minedition
Angela Wilkes - Kinderkochbuch

Angela Wilkes - Kinderkochbuch

12,90 EUR
2 pieces in stock
Foto: DK Verlag Dorling Kindersley
Eric Carle, Dagmar von Cramm - Unser Kochbuch. Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt

Eric Carle, Dagmar von Cramm - Unser Kochbuch. Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt

12,95 EUR
1 piece in stock
Foto: Gerstenberg Verlag
Ran ans Gemüse

Ran ans Gemüse

12,95 EUR
2 pieces in stock
Foto: Dorling Kindersley Verlag
Amelia Wasiliev - Tofu

Amelia Wasiliev - Tofu

12,95 EUR
2 pieces in stock
Foto: Dorling Kindersley Verlag
Annabel Karmel - Superlecker! Selbst gemacht

Annabel Karmel - Superlecker! Selbst gemacht

12,95 EUR
1 piece in stock
Foto: DK Verlag Dorling Kindersley
All prices in EUR incl. VAT and excl. shipping costs.