Renew your voucher(s)
Generally good to know:
Yes you can book a class in 2022, if your voucher ends 2021. Just add that course to the shopping cart before the firework starts on December 31, and you'll be fine.
You've got time. You do not have to re-new vouchers while they are still valid. You can renew expired vouchers as well.
Your voucher will expire soon, or has expired already?
We charge 6 euros to renew your expired/expiring voucher. You will receive a brand new voucher as a replacement for the old voucher.
There are three options for renewal:
Option 1 "deduct fee from voucher balance"
Popular if you would like to redeem the voucher yourself and do not need a shiny new voucher, flyer, gift card etc.
We deduct the 6 euros fee from the old voucher's balance and send you a new voucher via e-mail or post.
To do so, please send us an email via (or via our contact form) with the following information:
- Voucher code (not to be confused with the voucher number. we need the code.)
- Your name and address for our accounts
- Note to us: "please renew this voucher and deduct the fee from the voucher balance"
- Info, if you would like us to send the new voucher via the post, or if you are ok with a PDF sent via email (the email voucher option is the most popular in this case)
- When re-newing more than one voucher, we are going to combine all moneys in one new voucher --- unless you ask us to send separate vouchers
Good to know:
- Renewing several vouchers at once doesn't increase the renewal fee. It's 6 euros altogether, no matter if it is going to be one or three vouchers.
- We recommend to de-value the old voucher(s) once you get hold of the new one(s).
Option 2 "pay the fee and keep the voucher's value"
Popular if you would like to keep the exact value of the expired voucher because it is going to be a present
To do so, you need to pay the fee via our online shop. You can do that here.
Add this very product that you are currently reading the description of to the shopping card and proceed to checkout.
We need the following information:
- the voucher code (not to be confused with the voucher number. we need the code.)
- a note to us, if you would like the voucher to be sent via email (printable PDF), or via the post. If you do not include this information, we are going to send it via the post automatically
- When re-newing more than one voucher, we are going to combine all moneys in one new voucher --- unless you ask us to send separate vouchers
You can provide this information via the comments field that appears during the checkout process, or you can send us en email to, once you have completed the order.
Again, good to know:
- Renewing several vouchers at once doesn't increase the renewal fee. It's 6 euros altogether, no matter if it is going to be one or three vouchers.
- We recommend to de-value the old voucher(s) once you get hold of the new one(s).
Option 3 "increase my voucher's value"
To be honest: That is really complicated. But it's possible.
Please send us a message to and tell us more. Did we mention the 6 euros?