Middle East Meets Mittelmeer » Saturday, February 15, 2025 at 18 h
Photo: Bruna Branco auf Unsplash 
95,00 EUR
19 % VAT incl.

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G und S Charlottenburg
Wilmersdorfer Str. 102/103
10629 Berlin
Saturday 15 February, 2025 at 18:00 h

Cooking class in German
Middle East Meets Mittelmeer
with Lisa Shoemaker

Ein Kochkurs für jede/n: inzwischen ist es normal, dass neben der Fleischoption auch vegane und vegetarische Alternativen gibt.

Hier drehen wir den Spieß um: Die Länder des östlichen und südlichen Mittelmeers verfügen über eine reiche Tradition an pflanzlichen Gerichten, die wir in den Mittelpunkt stellen und für solche, die nicht ganz ohne Fleisch können, gibt es Köfte, und der Zitronenjoghurtdipp, der dazu gereicht wird, passt auch gut zum Gemüse.

Die Vielfalt der Aromen aus dieser Region sorgt dafür, dass sich keine Geschmacksknospen langweilen und alle satt werden.



  •  Creme aus gerösteter Paprika und Feta (vegan: Walnüsse)
  •  Besara - Grüner Dip aus Fave Bohnen und Kräutern
  •  Granatapfel-Walnuss Salat
  •  Selbstgemachtes Za‘atar Fladenbrot
  •  Auberginenkuku mit Berberitzen
  •  Artischocke und Oliven mit Salzzitronen
  •  geschmorte breite Bohnen mit Tomaten und Knoblauch
  •  Kartoffeln und Paprika aus dem Ofen mit Chili und Zitrone
  •  gebackener Blumenkohl mit Harissa
  •  Köfte mit Zitronenjoghurt
  •  Yufka Küchlein mit cremiger Vanille-Labneh
Lisa Shoemaker

Lisa Shoemaker

Lisa’s culinary coming-of-age was multi-cultural long before the term was coined. It was – of course – her mother’s fault. As a German language teacher, her mother would invite her students to her big, late 19th century flat in Charlottenburg. The deal was: she bought the booze, the students cooked and little Lisa was delegated to the kitchen to „help“. So Lisa chopped chili with Korean nurses – lured to Germany in the 1970s to overcome a shortage –, rolled rice balls stuffed with canned tuna with Japanese students, and after her mother had crossed first North Africa and then Turkey in her Peugeot 404, students from the Southern and Eastern coasts of the Mediterranean steamed couscous, wrapped rice into vine leaves, Israelis and Palestinians bypassed politics and instead discussed whether the chopped salad typical to their region should be called Israeli or Palestinian salad. Lisa did not care, all she knew was that she had encountered herbs and spices that perfectly matched lemon, her favorite ingredient. A lifelong love affair with Middle Eastern food ensued.

Lisa Shoemaker won 2nd place in the ideas competition organised by the state of Berlin as part of its Zero-Waste Strategy 2021. The sustainable use of food and energy is very close to Lisa's heart and she enthusiastically passes on her experimentally acquired knowledge in all her cooking classes. And of course she cooks with food from organic cultivation, seasonal and regional wherever possible.

» More classes with Lisa Shoemaker

Class type:
Cooking in groups — In this class you will form small groups and each group will be cooking some of the dishes listed in the menu. The other dishes will be cooked by your fellow cooking class participants. However, important steps and basic techniques will be demonstrated in front of the entire class and/or practiced together. Of course you will also see and hear what is going on around you and you are very welcome to ask the teacher questions. The class is designed for you to experience diverse dishes and menu components.
The cookery school is air-conditioned, aprons are provided, water and welcome drink are included.
G und S Charlottenburg
Wilmersdorfer Str. 102/103
10629 Berlin
Saturday 15 February, 2025 at 18:00 h
Generally 3.5 to 4 hours (no guarantee).
max. 16 persons
  •  Creme aus gerösteter Paprika und Feta (vegan: Walnüsse)
  •  Besara - Grüner Dip aus Fave Bohnen und Kräutern
  •  Granatapfel-Walnuss Salat
  •  Selbstgemachtes Za‘atar Fladenbrot
  •  Auberginenkuku mit Berberitzen
  •  Artischocke und Oliven mit Salzzitronen
  •  geschmorte breite Bohnen mit Tomaten und Knoblauch
  •  Kartoffeln und Paprika aus dem Ofen mit Chili und Zitrone
  •  gebackener Blumenkohl mit Harissa
  •  Köfte mit Zitronenjoghurt
  •  Yufka Küchlein mit cremiger Vanille-Labneh

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