0,00 EUR
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List of Wishes

Cooking class in German
Vegan Gourmet
with Nu Trinh

„A new experience of food“ beschreibt die einzigartige Küche von Nü|Bites - sie ist ausgewogen, kreativ, rein pflanzlich und außergewöhnlich köstlich. Durch die raffinierte Zusammenstellung verschiedener Aromen und Texturen kreieren wir gemeinsam ein Geschmackserlebnis für alle Sinne und für die Seele. Mit einfachen Tricks und Techniken verfeinern wir die Gerichte und üben das Anrichten und Garnieren der Speisen.

Menu (example):

  •  Vorspeise:
  •  Gegrillter Pfirsich mit veganem Bacon
  •  Melonensalsa mit Limette, Algen-Caviar und Taco-Chips
  •  Hauptspeise:
  •  Sauerteigbruschetta mit Vetacreme, geschmorter Tomate, knusprigem Tofu-Crumble und Thaibasilikum
  •  Nachspeise:
  •  Weißes Schokoladenmousse mit Haselnusscrumble und Waldheidelbeeren
Nu Trinh

Nu Trinh

Nu from Nü|Bites is a self-taught chef with Austrian-Vietnamese roots. She worked as a recipe developer and food photographer for a renowned recipe app in Berlin and as a consultant she develops overall concepts for catering establishments.

For her exclusive dinners, she creates unique experiences by combining art, craftsmanship and enjoyment. As a private chef, she also creates exclusive evenings to celebrate a very special day. This is how she introduces her guests to the new world of vegan gourmet cuisine. Her passion has become a vocation and with her holistic approach, nutrition is the basis of a healthy and happy life for her. Her expertise lies in eating a balanced, plant-based diet. This is what her cookery courses teach. Her dishes are characterised by surprising flavour combinations using lots of fresh herbs and spices as well as regional and seasonal vegetables. Above all, she loves working with local producers who share her passion. Her unconventional cuisine has already been featured in ZeitOnline, Exberliner Magazin and Kaltblut Magazin.

Despite her experience in the catering industry, she learnt most of what she knows from her mother, who in her opinion is the best cook in the world.

Photo: Nu Trinh

» More classes with Nu Trinh

Class type:
Cooking in groups — In this class you will form small groups and each group will be cooking some of the dishes listed in the menu. The other dishes will be cooked by your fellow cooking class participants. However, important steps and basic techniques will be demonstrated in front of the entire class and/or practiced together. Of course you will also see and hear what is going on around you and you are very welcome to ask the teacher questions. The class is designed for you to experience diverse dishes and menu components.
The cookery school is air-conditioned, aprons are provided, water and welcome drink are included.
Generally 3.5 to 4 hours (no guarantee).
Menu (example):
  •  Vorspeise:
  •  Gegrillter Pfirsich mit veganem Bacon
  •  Melonensalsa mit Limette, Algen-Caviar und Taco-Chips
  •  Hauptspeise:
  •  Sauerteigbruschetta mit Vetacreme, geschmorter Tomate, knusprigem Tofu-Crumble und Thaibasilikum
  •  Nachspeise:
  •  Weißes Schokoladenmousse mit Haselnusscrumble und Waldheidelbeeren
All prices in EUR incl. VAT and excl. shipping costs.